Monday, March 30, 2009

Logo selection: we need your comments!

I need some help.

I asked for submissions for a SBP logo (offering an admittedly scrawny fee) and got seven. They were all good, but I've been unable to pare them down past these four, which I present in random order. (And yes, some of the logos are being tweaked by their designers in response to comments, so keep looking!)

So I'm asking for comment. Not votes, mind you, because as the guy who's doing most of the work for now, I have to live with the winner, so I'll make the final decision, which I will announce next Monday, April 6.

In the meantime, I have decided on the slogan, a last-minute tweak to an earlier suggestion. We're going with Thanks, I'll Have Another! It's friendly, personal, and encompasses the message: good beer, lower alcohol, flavorful, social.

So comment -- and keep it friendly, this is session beer, not e*treme mud-wrestling -- and I'll make my decision in a week, and announce the winner then. Thanks!

My own comments. First shown: I like the font, like the glass graphic a lot; not sure about the red. And I do like using the full name "The Session Beer Project."

Second shown: Like the three different beers. Didn't like the arms at first, but they're growing on to speak. Drew the most positive comments from you.

Third shown: Dramatic, and real beer. Nora's favorite.

Fourth shown: very suitable for a coaster, a project I'd like to try to fund. Maybe too much like a Guinness ad? The shamrock should probably go. Like the compact arrangement.


  1. I vote for No. 2, but maybe add some brighter color to the lighter beer glass. My vote for No. 2 would be No.1.

    Peace out, my brotha!

  2. My vote would be for number 2. It is the type of logo that draws me in. It gives me the impression that session beers come in all styles and are for all people.

  3. I'm with Nora. Like your tweak of the tagline.

  4. Number three is the one that catches your eye the most. The others are bland in comparison. "Thanks, I'll Have Another!", works.

  5. I like the first and second one. I like the second one a lot but the two colored hands reminds me of the black and white hand float from Animal House. Not a bad thing, just reminiscent.

  6. Second is my favorite too - seems to emphasize the social and sessionable aspects more clearly than the others.

  7. I like #1... because it is a rectangle - which is one of my favorite shapes for internet graphics. I also like how it implies that shortly after 10am is a great time to have another.

    I am somewhat impartial to #2 other than the fact that it has the work "blog" on it

    All that fancy latin on #3 makes it look french (I don't what that means - much like the latin on the logo)

    #4 looks really familiar. To what? I don't know... but very familiar none the less.

  8. i like the first one, but would swap the location of 'PROJECT' and 'Good Enough To Have Another'

  9. I like a minimalist approach. No. 2 says it in the picture.

  10. I like the No. 1. It's reminiscent of the WW2 period with the font and also historically accurate because of the drop of OG during that time. I'd drop the clock though, too much pressure.

  11. I think 2 has the most promise!

  12. I like #2. Seems to sum it all up.

  13. Thanks, all, keep it coming!

    Jaysus, the "Lorem ipsum" is just placeholder, a series of Latin words traditionally used to show what text would look like on a page or graphic. Used for about 400 years, I think; and it was just used to hold the place for the then-unknown tagline.

  14. I vote for number 2, mainly because of the three different colour beers - which suggests to me that a session beer doesn't have to be a particular style, like pale ale or bitter, but can come from across the style spectrum. The arms initially made me think of Bender from Futurama when they make their own beer and he is pregnant with it while it ferments!

  15. My order: 4, 1, 3, 2

    If the shamrock is removed, I like #4 the best. Its simple and clean.

    I like most aspects of #1 including the clock, the two things that don't sit quite right with me are the color scheme (Merry Christmas) and the bigger size of the word project dead smack in the middle. My eye is drawn there before reading the whole title.

    Although the beer in #3 is the most inviting by far, the font has a bit of MS Word art feel to me.

    As for #4, I think the message is a bit muddy with the multiracial arms and the sun in the back. While I understand there is a social aspect, the arms seem to say "can't we all just drink together?" in a racial kind of way and I don’t think that is quite the social message that is being sought. Also, the Sun says "It's a brand new day"

    As for the slogan, do you think there needs to be a bit of a disclaimer added. "Always practice moderation"

  16. Number 3 is certainly the most dramatic, and therefore eye-catching, IMO, but the beer looks crap with its anemic little scraping of foam. Number 4, well, I agree with you that it's too much like a Guinness ad or something similar. Number 1 has a bit too much of a Soviet worker feel to it, I think, and emphasizes the word "Project" to the detriment of all other text on the logo. Which leaves us with happy, friendly number 2, perhaps the least visually commanding but the one with the greatest SBP spirit.

  17. #1 is rubbish. Why put the word "Project" front-and-center like that? When I read it, I want to say, "thesessionbeer PROJECT!!!"

    #2 is nice, in the milktoast sense. I will say, though, that hand-holding severely impedes the process of balancing the ratio beer-to-beer nuts consumption.

    #3 is bold and dramatic -- exactly what session beer isn't!! You're looking for something understated, simple, and beautiful. #2 fits this bill better.

    #4 is ugly. I can think of a certain other person's logo (ahem) that looked better than that one. That's all I'm sayin'.

    Tough choice. I'd go with #2.

  18. I like the color scheme in 1.
    I like the slogan in 2 but don't like the arms.
    I don't like 3 at all.
    I like the beer coaster shape of 4.

  19. I like #2. Its simple and compelling and the only one with more than one beer in it.

  20. No disclaimer! We are responsible by our very ABV!

  21. Number 3...clean lines...arms are strange, but, like a hug from the inside.

  22. Whoops, my browser messed up the display...make that #2 for my vote.

  23. I like the new #1 even better than the old #1...

  24. I'm digging #2. The artwork speaks for itself (which the Latin in #3 definitely does not). Could be viewed as a little PC but I still like it.

  25. Number 2 is my fave. I like the idea of an armload of beers, like produce. Very novel.

  26. I am so confused. You pick, I don't care. If it was beer I'd care but it's a logo for YOUR site.

  27. 2, I don't like arms, but I like the idea of no faces.

  28. Do I have to solve everything around here? You have four logos, use one per season. It will never get old or tired, unlike the rest of us. You can tidy them up over time.

  29. The first one is my favorite. Simple. Straitforward. Nothing hippie-ish about it like I get from the second one.


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