Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Session Beer Symposium in Michigan

Just got this; more proof that session is catching on. Copper Canyon is a brewpub in Southfield, Michigan.

Copper Canyon Brewery Presents
Beerposium #25, Aug. 6, 5:00 PM
Session Beers
Session Beer is a relatively new term (earliest ref appears to be in the 1980's), however, “session” is a term that dates back to WWI. During WWI, workers were allowed to go to the pub in two different 4 hr “sessions” and at the time beer strength was mandated by law and high tariffs. So, effectively, it was a time where one could go to the pub, have several beers in a “session” and not stagger home. Here we are doing a tasting of beers under 4.5%. Remarkably, there are many beers out there that fulfill this standard and are still quite tasty. You will be surprised by the variability of beers and styles that will be represented. These are the perfect beers of summer, where you want a couple to quench your thirst, yet allow you to finish the work at hand.
Reservations will be taken as seating is limited. $20 in advance $25 day of event. You will get at least 12 different beverages.


  1. I can't seem to get info on this event. Do you have an email address?

  2. Got a Facebook page, try that:

  3. Awesome...thank you!

    I brew only session beers. I call them "Dad Beers," because sometimes you got s#!t to do...

    Very happy I found this blog.


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