Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blowing 0.01: gotta love the sessions

I just went out for dinner in Philly; I'm on my own tonight. Went to Old Eagle Tavern; had an O'Reilly's Stout but didn't like the vibe in the place, too many Flyers fans carpet-f-bombing. Drove down the hill to Dawson Street, had two Victory Uncle Teddy's with a bowl of their always excellent vegetarian chili and a quesadilla. Felt fine: three beers in 90 minutes. Drove home, and got out the breathalyzer: I blew a 0.01.

I love drinking session beer.

1 comment:

  1. Aw-sum! You are my hero, but you already knew that. It's truly the beauty of session beer!


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